.SCC File Extension

SourceSafe Source Code Control File

Developer Microsoft
3.7  |  30 Votes
Used by

What is an SCC file?

File used by Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, a version control system that integrates with Visual Studio; contains source code control information used to get and commit developer files; used by the application for managing local copies of projects under source control.

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SCC files are never committed to the version control repository. Instead, they are used for communicating with the repository. Example SCC filenames include Mssccprj.scc (plain text file), VSSVer.scc, and VSSVer2.scc.

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Programs that open or reference SCC files

ScreenFlow Screen Recording

Developer Telestream
3.6  |  23 Votes
Used by

Video file created by ScreenFlow, a Mac OS X desktop screen recording application; stores the captured video in a proprietary format; may also include audio captured from a computer microphone or from the computer's sound card.

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SCC files are used for saving unrendered video before it is exported to the final video format. ScreenFlow supports export formats such as Flash, YouTube, .MOV, iPhone, and others.

NOTE: SCC files are actually stored within a .SCREENFLOW file, which is a bundle that includes all files for the screen recording project. They are stored in the /​Media/​ subdirectory.

Programs that open or reference SCC files


Scenarist Closed Caption File

Developer Scenarist
3.4  |  17 Votes
Open with

Closed captioning file used by Scenarist as well as other DVD authoring programs; used for encoding closed captions onto DVDs; includes text and timing information, which syncs the text with the movie.

Programs that open SCC files

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Sonic Scenarist

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